Streamlining Meeting Minutes Recipe

Tazeen Fatima
Tazeen Fatima


This recipe is crafted to help you efficiently capture and summarize meeting minutes. This common task can be time-consuming, especially when trying to accurately document discussions and decisions. AI can streamline this process, ensuring comprehensive and concise minutes.


  • Obran AI Tool
  • Audio recording of the meeting (optional for accuracy)
  • Meeting agenda and attendee list
  • Action items and key decision templates


  1. Preparation:
    • Before the meeting, input the agenda and attendee list into the Obran AI application.
    • Set up the AI app to recognize key terms related to decisions, action items, and important discussions.
  2. Recording (Optional):
    • If permitted, record the meeting audio for more accurate minute transcription.
    • Remember to inform attendees about the recording for transparency and consent.
  3. Live Input (If Recording Isn’t Possible):
    • During the meeting, input key points, decisions, and action items directly into the Obran AI tool.
    • Use shorthand or keywords, and let the AI expand them into full sentences.
  4. Transcribe Meeting (If Recorded):
    • Post-meeting, feed the audio recording into a transcription AI tool.
    • Edit the transcript to ensure accuracy and remove unnecessary parts.
  5. Summarization:
    • Input the detailed transcript or notes into the Obran AI application.
    • Ask the AI to summarize the meeting, highlighting key decisions, action items, and important discussions.
  6. Formatting the Minutes:
    • Use the AI-generated summary to create a formatted document of the meeting minutes.
    • Ensure it's organized according to your company’s standard (e.g., chronological, by topic).
  7. Review and Edit:
    • Manually review the AI-prepared minutes for any errors or omissions.
    • Make necessary edits to ensure accuracy and clarity.
  8. Distribution and Feedback:
    • Distribute the minutes to all attendees and relevant parties.
    • Gather feedback on the accuracy and effectiveness of the AI-generated minutes for future improvement.


  • Clarity and Conciseness: The minutes should be clear and to the point, capturing the essence of the discussion without unnecessary details.
  • Regular Updates: Continually train the AI with feedback and corrections to improve its accuracy and relevance.
  • Confidentiality: Be mindful of sensitive information in the minutes and follow company protocols for information security.


For a one-hour meeting, traditional minute preparation and processing typically require around 2.5 hours. With AI assistance, this is reduced to approximately 1 hour, saving about 1.5 hours per meeting.


With the assistance of Obran AI, you have transformed the process of creating meeting minutes, making it more efficient and less labor-intensive. This AI recipe not only saves time but also ensures that the minutes are comprehensive and accurately reflect the meeting’s discussions and outcomes. Share your refinements and experiences with this method in our AI Cookbook to aid others in their professional workflows!